Where our loyalties lie

So where do they lie when it comes to the working world…? Do you stick to your working time of say 8 – 16.30, or is it flexi time, or do you work yourself to death daily and cannot understand the meaning of lunch?

I don’t know how many times i have ended up in hospital or collapsed with migraines and taken to emergency…but generally i get in at 6 – 6.30 and used to leave 12 hours later…nowadays i try leave latest 5pm – but tell me…..WHY do we do this? Is it in the hope that they see our commitment to achieving great things and we may be seen one day when promo’s are going around (or you get overlooked for various reasons each time)…do you just like work? Don’t want to go home?

I was once a person who did it to prove my worth – i went above and beyond the call of duty as when i was raised for me an average was never good enough, never….and where has it gotten me? Going nowhere slowly….because despite my output and hours and get punished by getting more work when i clearly cannot cope, especially now whilst pregnant – everything has become SO overwhelming….but i don’t share the extent of it, because i don’t know how – i’ve only been a good listener…

So someone to me this morning reminded me that should something happen, like if i resign or a bus decides i’m a speed bump, i am replacable, and they know it too…so then why put ourselves through this suffering when all that happens is it becomes the “norm” – e.g. i left one day at 4pm someone joked i was working half day 😦

But if retrenchments are due, whats stopping my name from being on the list really? This doesn’t guarantee anything – so check where your loyalties lie – it should be with yourself, your health and your family….its to the point now i believe everyone is discussing getting me to take time off because it appears i am on the verge of a nervous breakdown….


Just my ramble – dunno how to eloquently word myself like novels and things lol

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